"Im anon just like you"
sounds like their counter narrative is working on you.
your seething pints to being inorganic concernfagging
you glow faggot
no ones forcing you to stay here.
just saying. some Anons constantly cry about "not enough habbening." they're welcome to leave and go do irl stuff. no one forcing them to stay.
I meant, who knows. maybe. (sorry this is the only tweet I could find as all others have been deleted)
>16 posts
seems like you're a demoralizing fag trying to bring others along. again, you can leave if you're so disheartened.
I agree. I feel the need too stay on top of my enemies plans
>Postcountig - scarrryyy.
no, it shows you talk too much and spend less time thinking about what smarter responses should be. generally been the consensus here that high post counts +low IQ posts. demonstrates you haven't actually been here long. your not anon glowfag.
tanks anon
good advice. I appreciate it as sometimes I do have an emotional response to their sheer abysmal takes and words.
seconded. Amen.
where'd you go glowshill???
lmao there's zero proof of this. pot=devils lettuce. Jesus did no such thing.
honestly been trying to figure that out myself (admittedly I don't watch much if any at all CNN)