Anons are immune. I’ve wondered why..are you all like me and honestly don’t give a fuck what the crowd does?
Free sub when you get the shot.
Seems like a good time to get into a trade, or if you work for someone, strike out on your own. Stuff will need to be fixed…we need people with skills who don’t take the shot and will help others who also don’t take the shot.
>Alameda, Contra Costa
Worth noting to anons that these counties are close to SF as well. Swallowswell is Alameda.
? No. We aim to redpill at least 1 person a week. In person, face to face. Not always successful but we have dialogue.
Exactly! that you?
6 arrested in human trafficking sting, including 2 Enbridge Line 3 Pipeline workers (Minnesota)
Hopefully mn are waking up?