The horse dose is based on .187 mg/kg…the human effective dose is .4 - .5 mg/kg. So just double your (frens) weight and dispense that from a horse calibrated tube. You'll be really close at .374 mg/kg. It works and is very safe at well in excess of 10x that amount no adverse effects noted. Seems like a lot but smaller animals get more on a mg/kg basis than larger ones. Many years xp with this, it'll be fine. Best wishes.
It does tastes like apples, but not sure I'd call it awesome. kek 2 more days and I do my monthly. It's been amazing for me. My mom had me mix up some more for their cats after it cleared a round of scabies (mange) on one cat that had it suffering for a long time. Measured out the 3 cat dose, mixed it into a little warm water and poured it over the days chow in a bag, shook it up and they're good for a few more months. Awesome results if not awesome taste…not terrible, just not awesome'. imho
kek…what I said >>14218444