abias corpus.
A prison guard has standing over senate judiciary committee members.
There was someone in the past who. had a statement - If I were the president.
At the time Libya was being pummeled into the stone age. Nobody was spared.
If you have the right person, at the right time, with a thought process that is —
maybe this movie will be exposed even further
China has taken over the prison system in the US INC.
Send in patriot troops and free our men and women.
Not allowing them in , overturns the standing of the US Senate. AKA the alleged US government
This site is also monitored for reaction to incidents.
A percentage of the 'real' responses are calculated against number of postings 'real anons' post to other social media. Those posts are the tracked to see if the posts are sent on and in more 'other' platform.
Thus the alleged 'good guys' are trying to assess the % point that they 'want' to start a real disclosure
YES they will
no, you can still find American made shoes. You're just going to need some money