Phoenician Navy
The Death Cult that used to rule the Mediterranean
They opened trade routes along the rivers to China
Silk Road
Then found the Midgard serpent's secret
And became the Viking Pirates of Scandi-Navia
In the Mediterranean, when the Ottomans attacked to take over them,
They took their Navy to sea and occupied the Greek Islands
Phillip the Greek, consort of QEII is dead
And doesn't she seem much happier?
The have used the Jews as aRed Shieldfor centuries
Since the days of Ugarit
Compare the map of Ugarit with the territory that ISIS claimed was theirs
It's a long sad story of deception and lies and trickery
And even back then they used drugs
Opiumwas their symbol
So they used it as their SYMBOL
And remember a certain girl who was wearing a cross
Like this gold one
Only from a distance people thought it was…
An upside down cross
Only it wasn't!
It was an equal armed cross
The symbol of Moloch-Qort
Whose special flower bloomed only for a single day
Before the petals fell off
Now what flower do you suppose that was?