And while we Fuck around with Gender Studies and taking down our Heros statues the Chinese are taking over the world!
China's 2121 Futuristic Cities | 中国 2121 瞧向未来 Cyberpunk Sci Fi
And while we Fuck around with Gender Studies and taking down our Heros statues the Chinese are taking over the world!
China's 2121 Futuristic Cities | 中国 2121 瞧向未来 Cyberpunk Sci Fi
The Communists in Chine will take over shortly since we are too worried about Gender definition or which pronouns we use.
Might not be so bad, the real Chinese Communists don't put up with crime or street bullshit protests and they live like we wish we did.
China's Richest Cities 2021 | Top 10 | 中国最富有城市 2021
China's Richest Cities 2021 | Top 10 | 中国最富有城市 2021
More & more smart people are moving to China LOSER!!
Is China The American Dream ? : Chongqing China 重庆市
You will see shortly what China Leadership will provide the pitiable sheep in America that are too scared to fight back for freedom!
China's Cyberpunk Futuristic Cities. 中国未来城市 2021
Us smart Niggers even try to teach the less educated how to speak English. I do my bit to break the brothers from Ebonics! :-)
Nigerian actor Charles Okocha teaching English 🤣. funny or die.
WE are resilient!
For a wimp that is scared of us it is just fun to watch you squirm! :-)
We are working with the Taliban now and will soon have all the minerals to finish our takeover of the world . :-)
You guys don't pay attention to Fuck other than being to scared to follow the 14 words and take care of your own families.
Useful Idiots is what we call you as we develop our World Plan Of Domination! Wait a few days and Taiwan is ours too. :-)!!!
China's New Belt And Road Initiative 2021 |一带一路
Here is how we recover because we are resilient!!
China's Floods Zhengzhou Henan Then & Now | 中国 | 郑州洪水 | 过去 与 现在 | 添加了中文字幕
No Shit!
I had article 15s costing big money for being late getting a haircut or late to work after shacking up with some hot bitch.
The Army don't fuck around with their rules.
Fuck around and lose lots of money or a stripe. I know! :-)
Still ended up with an Honorable Discharge but you better fucking follow the rules in the Military!!!
Oh shit what are we going to do without this POS. Who cares! Good Riddance!