God bless you too!
Was the original plague even real?
>In 1984, Graham Twigg published The Black Death: A Biological Reappraisal, where he argued that the climate and ecology of Europe and particularly England made it nearly impossible for rats and fleas to have transmitted bubonic plague.
Alchemy + Depopulation … first bio-weapon? GENoese slave ships coming from Asia? Funded by the Doges/Aristocracy?
Same shit, different toilet
You had the flu or strep throat and were convinced by media, peers, and your daddy satan who sends you fearful thoughts and narratives that you accept willingly that you had covid. Or, you're just shilling.
Maybe not, but stress, a shitty diet, a bad attitude, and extreme weather changes will cause the body to shut down and become "sick", which could be what they call the flu and they bank off of it.