Crap car
You'll hunt for red october, and find another
as i say, this is some sadistic bullshit goin' on right now
He aint clean btw
>I have my schimisse
Crap car
You'll hunt for red october, and find another
as i say, this is some sadistic bullshit goin' on right now
He aint clean btw
>I have my schimisse
1) I dun have a dog, i borrow buddy
2) Red isnt that ob since the golden brown dyed
3) Havet worn blue pinafores since i was a child (alice)
4) Hello 'dorian' who is the storm ?
Duh, you know what shade isnt on a chess board ?
it costs me, Stephanie picks up all this love and support cos' she's black (hair) white and lives at 17
I have a grey cat though
i dye my hair again and Peter picks up my work as 'brown'
and Em picks up my work as 'red' which is the 'hunt for red october'
and no i wont go blonde again, thats Sarah 'Carly'
This is life as a mother anon, the only way to avoid Government intrusion is to comply with all 'socially acceptable' (mass childcare ' development' technology brain fry) forms of parenting or they take your child into the system to utilise it
Wick head woman
Dragon likes her, but i did dump about 4,000 matches into the bin ya'll are using
Catches you when you faint
No she's not, that is Sarah, guess where the crappy Audi goes ?
Dont underestimate God Anon