>>14231933 lb
>nothing new under the Sun
>they have simply become more sloppy as the amount of fraud they have to commit has increased
>when that no longer works
>they will resort to force
Then they take you to war.
Cycles within cycles.
>>14231933 lb
>nothing new under the Sun
>they have simply become more sloppy as the amount of fraud they have to commit has increased
>when that no longer works
>they will resort to force
Then they take you to war.
Cycles within cycles.
>perhaps Milley will hand deliver the tax returns to Pelosi to ensure their safekeeping
Your wry cynicism is appreciated by many of our lurkers here.
>Eat Fresh
Subway'sโข is going to try and declare they are an essential service or reverse this absurdity to stave off bankruptcy.
The customer is the boss.
>You commit a crime by pressuring people to be part of a medical ("medical") experiment.
Who could argue against that logic with anything but only those with evil intentions.
That is a bridge to far. It could wipe out all our forces within 2-3 years. Nobody knows the RISK.
We do know you can't sue the manufacturers, so that should be anyone's first big clue.
> When they realize that what happened to the animals will happen to them shit is going to get insane.
then you realize they want all our troops vaccinated.
Has the PLA vaccinated all of their troops? Anon bets: NO.
>Isn't it amazing that the airborne virus can't go around or over that plexiglass either.
Or get on the keypad.
The PSYOP lingers on.
>My boss is gonna fire me if I don't get vaxxed by august 11
This is why you should never put your self at the mercy of another man good graces.
Humans are prone to irrational behaviors, especially in times of mania.
>Epicโฆ. Kek recognizes it
> tickets to anting