Anon thought that was an old photo from that day special ops team raided that building to seize a “package” a while back. That’s actually recent? Legit?
Anon thought that was an old photo from that day special ops team raided that building to seize a “package” a while back. That’s actually recent? Legit?
>but nothing has been leaked
Until pics of everyone’s wives vaginas appear and secret side chicks
>went to bed
Same. Anon has been running on empty for a while. Only energy for reading notables and shitposting. Hard to keep track of what is what with posts especially with an onslaught of shills.
>It was reported as a drill. Because the USMIL always flies between shit unannounced in heavily populated areas, and bombs shit, as a part of routine training
Kek! Gosh I wish normies knew what we ponder all day everyday.
“Routine training bombing shit” Kek ohhh man. Needed the sarcasm for a Kek. All anon has these days
>drooling for what’s to come
When 45 gives the knockout punch anon will be like: “all the craziness is over? I’ll think I’ll have a Coca-Cola” and breathe a sigh of string relief.
>way less stressful and less wasteful/mind numbing than just following each bread as it goes, as well as very informative.
Anon just is glad to wake up each day. That’s anons only goal for now. Will finish reading the bread left open during anons one or two hours sleep but skip ahead. Used to read everything but it’s just too ghey now with so much gheyness happening. Waiting for the audits to start a landslide. Until then… shitposting and chill/continue dying a painful death
Spooky digits. What is the fastest animal on the planet? By running speed or striking/biting speed? How is this assessed? He had a quote about being a snake and they let him in their group. He also held that staff at Halloween with a cobra… what is the “fastest” animal on the planet?