Anonymous ID: 65d95c July 31, 2021, 2:13 p.m. No.14239330   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon wonders: There are 30M covid recovered but how many had 'rona and either didnt get tested or had a PCR before the viral load hit? inb4 at one point, if someone in your office tested hot, you went and got a test but depending on when you had been exposed, you might not have developed symptoms for 2-4 days after the exposure..


Thus, potentially, the herd could be way bigger than 30M. No one is talking about natural immunity. Dr. Peter McCullough says natural immunity post C19 is the best immunity but the propaganda machine and CDC are not even mentioning it. Nope, it's TAKE THE SHOT!!!!!!!!


This is heinous fuckery afoot. Fuck the shot,