Morning anons…
If you went to the FDA and attempted to walk fructose up the clinical drug development ladder, YOU WOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO…
It is as UNSAFE as acetaminophen…
(they) want us to not process fats for some reason. Fats is HOW WE WORK. Basically what you can stick on a triglyceride ends up being your master pre-cursors that metabolic generate everything you need to run your body…
A way to get you to NOT fat process is to feed you a shit ton of sugar…If I do that you will hardly ever fat process and you will STORE every fatty acid you come across. Easy peasy to CREATE metabolic syndrome which is diabetes/heart/obesity…ALL I HAVE TO DO IS FEED YOU CORN SYRUP…or other sugars…
BTW..QUININE which comes from cinchona bark and was made into a synthetic called HCQ…FORCES YOU TO FAT PROCESS which is the way you should run…
Perhaps why HCQ is further marginalized…
Today we all need to chant…
Hang in Australia..when the moment comes, and it is coming soon…be ready toRISE UPwe will support you, the world will support you, and you will be the MATCH thatLIGHTS THIS CANDLE
If you are on food stamps of disadvantages you would get "commodity" food. You could go get a load based on the size of your family, etc. However, you ALWAYS had to take corn syrup. They would not let you have ANYTHING unless you took the corn syrup…
They gotta tell us BTW…
"As Hunters progresses, the Hunt discovers that the Nazis were brought in by the American government via Operation Paperclip. They uncover a Nazi plot to infect millions with a deadly pathogen hidden in corn syrup, targeting inner cities across America. Although this seems far-fetched, not everything in Hunters is pure fiction."
hard to get a blood born virus to spread…easy peasy to get a respiratory to spread…they wanted maximum exposure…AIDS was to limiting…Fauci made his bed with the aids epidemic and subsequent fuckery…wait until the LBGTQ crowd gets the REAL truth about what Fauci did the them…
I wondered why they didn't use a bird flu. I think that would have killed to many of us and did not give them a chance to make a bunch of money of off us before we died with vaccines…
Every vaccine makes you WEAKER and more susceptible to almost ANY kind of infection/virus…the weaker your immune the easier you are to kill off…
Silly 8200…
>It's mainly to attack masculinity
you make both estrogenandtestosterone from cholesterol…which is a fat…
Why else ya got?
If you are involved with the R party it is fascinating how Flynn is re-shaping…they are using the Christian Right first and will activate around that core….a worthy plan at least in my State…
Why ty! The poster said…
>The more fat you have the more estrogen is produced, it's a snowballing effect. Less testosterone = less dopamine = lower libido = sterilization.
This implies if you eat more fats you will be depleted of testosterone and be a cuck…which is simply not true…estrogen and testosterone come from the same fat called cholesterol fren…
+1..patriots in control…
Fats seem to be an issue…good to know…
How do (you) store energy and chemical mediators for future use?
On a triglyceride! Which we have done since we were a sponge on the bottom of the ocean…
(they) want you to run on SUGAR as you live a shorter life span and they can sell you drugs when you get sick…
Come on 8200, lets have someTRUTH
Tell the good anons the TRUTH instead of being obtuse…
jeez…poked the BOT BEAR…
(you) have to eat 2 types of FAT that are ESSENTIAL to your function…Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids…
If you do not eat omega 6 fatty acids you do not build your majorENDOCANNABINOIDSand thereby will suffer with regulatory diseases…
If you do not eat Omega 3's you will not have much of an immune response…
(you) gain weight because ofSUGAR…
(your) body wants to run on FATS, but when we constantly eat SUGAR we never FAT PROCESS…if we do not FAT PROCESS we do not BUILD THE CHEMICAL MEDIATORS WE NEED TO RUN US…
I need to do a big post on this and will in the coming days…
>Military will be knocking on doors to ensure people are isolating
Bullshit Sydney…they are coming to force vax you…
Aussie aussie aussie…
Pray for Sydney…Pray for the world…be ready to stand and fight…
This lady did most of the research on O3/O6…look into her work…
1:20 is killing us…1:1 what we need…
ty anon for collecting :-)
>It has a natural ratio of O3 to O6
You run off of the things you can stick on a triglyceride..only 2 areESSENTIALwhich are o3 and o6…ideally we need 1:1 to 1:4 o3:o6 and should be roughly 10% of our fat consumption. Good for you anon, you are ahead of the curve.
BTW..supplementing with alpha-linolenic acid, the most important o3 acid, willNO SHITright most disease states…