I think there must be some behind the scenes pressure on these governors.
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I think there must be some behind the scenes pressure on these governors.
Linked site uses cookies and "tracking technology"
Fine, but maybe they lied to us about cigarettes and it was some virus in the polio vaccine that actually causes lung cancer. Remember SV-40? Or perhaps asbestos, etc.
I just think it would be ironic if the only thing we publicly acknowledge and regulate over "carcinogenicity" is actually not a carcinogen.
Nope not gonna do it. Cancer was negligible before vaccination was started.
Did cave men get "lung cancer" from sitting around the fire? Did indigenous Americans get "lung cancer" from peace pipes.
C'mon man.
Perhaps "lung cancer" is from the previous rollout of something in a jab or else from inhaling industrial pollutants. Not tobacco leaves.
>What kills you is the additives and the floor sweepings (no joke) that go in the tube.
Roll your own. You'll be fine.
I don't know where the reference is, but I've read that a high percentage of the carbon in a child's body is from corn.
Children of the GMO corn.
I don't have much to complain about in her statement. She seems to respect EVERYONE's choices. Inferior employers are the ones who turn dictator and try to mandate experimental medical procedures. I avoid companies that do this, both as employee and customer.
Previous vaccine campaigns have used mixed lots/batches in order to conceal deadly vaccines.
So.. some of the jabs were quite possibly placebos, but I don't think all of them were.
People with minimal or no "side effects" are more likely to sign up for more jabs, meaning more profits for Big Pharma, but that would not mean the ultimate intent is not to weaken or kill a lot of people eventually.
No. Eating fat does not necessarily make you fat. Too many processed carbs is more likely to make you fat.
So.. fat people have more estrogen, but they are not necessarily fat because they eat fat.