>>14242995 PB
smokers apparently have good immunity against the coof virus
smoking generates Niacin within the body, which helps immunity
quite ironic in a way
>buy Niacin vitamins
support big pharma
no !
better to not smoke and eat good nutritious food
the picture you paint of the future is rather bleak, but perhaps inevitable
so many are unable to be awakened, perhaps they already took a dose of Huxley's Soma
> they put humans in our food
this is the un-welcome epiphany that would put most people into an insane aylum
Q post 142
"The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital "
I gave up smoking when I was 14
humans are 2d quasi crystals ?
> Looking Glass. Both sides knew
That's my understanding too
Hillary never thought she would lose the election, because "her side" saw it with their Looking Glass technology
She was supposed to win
But it was just their projection onto the Looking Glass and not a real future reality
"watch the water"
Looking Glass, the device, is surrounded by a pool of water and that is where future possible time-lines are displayed
The White Hats already know how this "movie" ends, via LG
We are watching the movie, but the ending is already known
Scot Free
how does this tie into:
Scott Free Productions which made White Squall ?
I've never been able to make sense of the links
dubdubs confirm
I sense that Q's statement that the end won't be for everyone means that corona vaccine deaths will be un-avoidable, though regrettable
we don't win this (silent) war without casualties
thanks for your reply, anon