OMG a uniform! U N I F O R M !!!
suck the boot dick you basic republican derp
OMG a uniform! U N I F O R M !!!
suck the boot dick you basic republican derp
looks like tranime baker is back
someone used this title yesterday and the bread got locked
and tranime was around yesterday
after a day of (1)s sniffing to see if BV was still here
most intense psych warfare of all time - this doesn't come close.
the hitler psyop was still more powerful than this. coming as it did hard on the heels of the depression in which women had to whore themselves for cash. it was the context that made the psyop so powerful
consider 2015
42 4 42 55
it's bad but it's not even close to that bad
to think it's even close to 20s Weimar is whininess. or lack of awareness of what 20s weimar was like
Notable new pic of Durham
>The federal government has sued Kaiser Permanente, alleging the health care giant committed Medicare fraud and pressured doctors to list incorrect diagnoses on medical records in order to receive higher reimbursements
Slap on wrist incoming
the asteroid belt is an exploded planet.
everyone knew this already.
they are slowly admitting it
The first son of Jupiter was called Vulcan, god of volcanos and fire. That would have been its name.
This is the first archive
7/30 3.20pm
Then archived every 5 minutes
No name change
muh 3 friends is sign of shill.
HIV doesn't lead to aids
AZT leads to death.
Fauci killed Freddie