not a lot of Chinese people mutilating the genitals of infants
without the fear propagation of the (((msm))), people would ask themselves how to help people maintain a strong natural immune system, likely recommending the opposite of 'gov health ministries/institutions' guielines, i.e telling people to get more sun and fresh air, not to hide indoors and wear a mask.
yeah, if I didn't read the 'news', or was told the 'news' by others, I wouldn't notice that more people were dying from a flu.
I was told that they initially had a routine treatment in my country, when someone 'tested positive' for covid-19 (by what now is known as a bogus test), that they sedated and intubated them, which is a death sentence for the elderly and immunocompromised.
Seeing how badly people are told to treat others, because we are told to focus on money makes me feel like I lucked out never becoming a physician.
nah, Jesus never told anyone to mutilate the genitals of infants, but satan did.
the hospitals know they get more money if more people are sick
how can that work out well?
Michelangelo's David is not depicted as having had his genitals mutilated.
his face looks like 'wtf, so you also knew not to take it?'
the initiation to the death cult is the dehumanizing ritual of genital mutilation of children
do you know if a rabbi sucked the blood from your mutilated infant genitals, or is that something you are afraid to ask about?
I'm about to apply for work. If they ask me to vaxx I'll have to make due on savings before I find some other viable work.
really? I had no idea.
I would like to work from home occasionally, but it would be nice to have colleagues to meet up and discuss the truth about the common denominator between (((marxists, bankers and pedophile island owners))).
Think about it, someone is likely going to be put in jail for assault if they mutilate the genitals of someone not able to physically restrain the perpetrator.
But jews are allowed to not only mutilate the genitals of infants, but also to suck the bloody infant genitals with their mouth, and people are told to pretend that it somehow doesn't matter, in a reality where everything matters.