>delta variant
follow the pen
the delta is 5 years now
transvestites do it for the kicks. they get off on fucking with the normies
i know ppl don't care, because it's all so disgusting
but i keep thinking it would help us to remember this point
that's actually very different from other trannies
"let's do the time warp" indeed
I could see them taking that up
Use sock puppet accounts to fly it unironically I bet you could get some tards to follow along
>We DO have more than we know.
>I just don't fucking know what that is.
Bill Binney said on infowars "the data has all the answers you just have to ask it the right questions"
I swear I would excel at writing those questions.
Shame I don't trust any of these fucks enough to actually offer my services. And I think they'd be too dumb to accept the offer anyway
nicely leaked
>Don't worry
"Don't worry" he says.
This is either the funniest man ever to have walked the planet or the most insane.
Whichever it is, I'm glad I get to see the attempt
give them nothing. take from them everything
>go to school at night in my sleep
school dreams appear to be a sign that you need to learn something
Another reeves.
What are the odds.
work up to it gradually. 15lb curls to start, then 20 then 25 then 30 then 35 then start thinking about the bar
>work up to it gradually. 15lb curls to start, then 20 then 25 then 30 then 35 then start thinking about the bar
But others can comment who know more, much more than I
>I feel I'm a teacher there.
A teacher in dreams? That sounds like pretty good dreams if true.
Pretty much everyone else in the world dreams of school as being the student or late for exams, stuff like that
I've considered lucid dreaming to be a wake up call that life is lucid dreaming and you could be doing anything you wanted, which is the thought you have in lucid dreams
>an attempt to kill Republicans
I'm sure there was specific republicans she was aiming for
Similar timeframe to the "IRA" bombing of the UK conservatives in 1984
MI5/6 in those days would fake IRA terror attacks to take out people they wanted (Airey Neave who was trying to reform MI6, they planted the bomb in Westminster parking lot then waited until he drove out to detonate it), so who knows who really did it
>the Lamestream Media
try to take time to type this out
that's not true, it's infowars
>pfizer downstream revenue.jpg
i mean there's no lockdown through 2022, infowars just says shit, that's what I mean
so the universe is an elite-controlled monkeyfuck with too many niggers?
I don't think so
bullshit it was starting to level out like 2 weeks ago
there's a great video where they say they're going to beat people up and take their stuff because they're the new world order
>If they sign the infrastructure bill
what's another 1.2tn printed money.
how badly are they spending it?
I'm sure, but how bad is it.
shills add desatanis to take Trump's glory.
sounds terrible - how much hard cash to that shit though
yeah euphemisms are great. America runs on euphemisms
>Trump deserved the Infrastructure Bill. It’s what he does.
I like to keep track of how much hard cash is going to the bad stuff. That to me answers the question of whether grassley shill etc.
Because if it's token games like 10m to pakistani tranny shit, then, you know, that's different than $100bn to california's bailout fund
try playing the church game anon
yeah but sometimes it's earmarked BART or whatever when it's really California bailout. I just wondered if anyone knew the bottom line
getting as bad as the 70s in NYC