FUCK MONSANTO ID: db167f Aug. 1, 2021, 6:01 p.m. No.14247759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7850 >>8297 >>8388

reposting in condensed form for the notables




Via what enzyme pathway, you ask?

1,25(OH)2D3 inhibition.

Decreases CYP27B1 which aids in 1-alpha-hydroxylase production to create 1,25(OH)2D3.

Increases CYP24A1 which produces 24-hydroxylase which causes overuse of available 1,25(OH)2D3. It also breaks down 25-hydroxyvitamin which is the form of Vit-D which is stored in the fat.

Consumers of high levels of fructose/sucrose are unable to create more usable vitamin D, even with supplementation, sun exposure, and are burning their stored vit D via a series of oxidative stress reactions

A very high % of "covid" deaths had elevated BMI

HFCS changes the gut biome which has been found to interfere with Ca+ transport which interferes with raw absorption of Vit D rich foods.

HFCS contributes to NAFLD which damages cells in the liver responsible for the production of 25-hydroxylase.

Oxidative stress on the kidneys, plus elevated blood sugar levels (with high BMI, diabetes) causes a reduction in 1-alpha-hydroxylase.

This is hypothesized as a link to why people without diabetes or liver disease died from acute liver and kidney failure. (refer to PMCID: PMC7515790)

Sars Cov-2 leads to decreased ACE2

Increasing AT-II, decreasing AT 1,7 (angiotensin)

Increasing super oxide

The oxidative stress causes a dysfunction with endothelial cells, these are the cells that cover the vasculature.

Increasing VWF (Von willebrands factor)

Leading to the thrombosis.

Referring to NEJM report from May 2020 that Sars Cov-2 patients had 9 times the amount of clots in their lungs than the control groups with influenza virus in their lungs.

Subsequent studies in the last year have demonstrated similar findings with liver failure and kidney failure with blood clots found during autopsy.



Anonymous ID: db167f Aug. 1, 2021, 6:12 p.m. No.14247820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7877

>>14247726, >>14247689

>Dead link

le sigh…




>>14243832 Germany Floods: Needs sauce

>>14244608 Facebook’s vaccine fact checker was funded by an organization that holds $2 billion of vaccine manufacturer stock.

>>14244611 Joe Biden's Water Island owner information

>>14244615 Hezbollah official Ali Barakat killed in clashes south of Beirut

>>14244621 President Trump says “you’re gonna be very happy” in response to someone yelling that we need him back

>>14244625 Harbin is the 5th most important pole, in all of China, for the production and development of graphene oxide

>>14244626 Gloria Vanderbilt’s Beekman Place Apartment Is for Sale

>>14244666, >>14244676 5:5 tweet from the Army. 17 words

>>14244680 Dixie Fire perimeter and evacuations

>>14244719 GOP Senators Reveal Contents of Redacted Fauci Letter?

>>14244729 Anon collected #18020

>>14244769 REPORT: Judge quietly released those secret Ghislaine Maxwell records.

>>14244774 Why no live feeds for the Senate floor "debate" on Infrastructure Bill?

>>14244797 fanone image source MP4

>>14244803 little-known program called "FireGuard"

>>14244807 Facebook censoring the CDC has been confirmed

>>14244819 Contract approved to use graphene oxide for water treatment

>>14244830 With experimental vaccines we can never assume they will be safe in pregnancy…not since thalidomide 60 years ago

>>14244859 The return of the golden reply box

>>14244882 Leaked emails, corrupt journo, fauci's NIH, and the wuhan flu all tied to UNC Chapel Hill

>>14244913 Mark Meadows says 'Cabinet members' meeting at Trump's New Jersey golf club

>>14244943 Nobel prize winning japan professor "coronavirus not natural"

>>14244963 Cases in Thailand are up 696,400% since National Geographic said that they had prevented COVID from “gaining a foothold”

>>14244974, >>14244994, >>14245032 Coast Guard Considers Placing Cutters In American Samoa In Response To Illegal Fishing

>>14244994 American Pacific Islanders Deserve Protection – In the Pacific


>>14245004 Fred Durst appears with a mysterious hairpiece

>>14245039 US accuses Iran of ship attack, threatens response.

>>14245041 Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will put plumbers and pipefitters to work replacing all of the nation’s lead water pipes

>>14245055 SKY NEWS channel was reportedly suspended for allegedly breaching the COVID misinformation policy.

>>14245071 Corrupt AZ and PA Democrats Are Threatening to Destroy Voting Machines After Forensic Audits

>>14245072 Rudy Giuliani endorses Larry Elder - "save California"

>>14245082 White House Hack Completely Fall Apart When Asked How CDC Is Testing for Delta Variant

>>14245098 Kim Foxx Steps In to Block Million Dollar Tax Refund to President Trump

>>14245102 Are the vaccines compromising the Blood-Brain-Barrier?

>>14245112 ‘The Elections Group’ Was Involved in Shady and Likely Criminal Activities After the 2020 Election in Multiple States (Soros)

>>14245142 UK & US accuse Iran of ‘deliberate & targeted attack’ on Israeli-operated tanker off Oman

>>14245149 French hospital union chief calls for mandatory vaccination of everyone

>>14245166 Corporate landlords poised to snatch Americans’ property after eviction moratorium EXPIRES

>>14245211 Protests Erupt Across Europe Over COVID-19 Mandates

>>14245221 Massachusetts vaxed are disproportionately becoming infected vs unvaxed

>>14245285 While they scare you with “variants,” Congress wants to make dietary supplements prescription only

>>14245287 Clashes between Hezbollah and tribes

>>14245359 A Trump supporter was arrested after a church prayer group member sent texts to the FBI that showed him inside the Capitol Building on Jan. 6




Anonymous ID: db167f Aug. 1, 2021, 7:17 p.m. No.14248297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8317 >>8365 >>8388 >>8403

>>14247759, >>14248187, >>14248217

484. How High Fructose Corn Syrup Lowers Vitamin D And Calcium


Every person on the planet, your body is a human solar panel. Every cell in your body.

>You have to think of what that sun is doing. The sun is penetrating your skin. It's going past the skin.

You know where your vitamin D gets metabolized? In your gut

>High Fructose Corn Syrup goes right to the liver as fat, and on its way rapidly changes your microbiome within your gut

It doesn't allow you to absorb vitamin D properly. You can't even absorb your calcium properly.

>When you have cheese and butter, you get Calcium and Vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 takes your calcium and it drives it into your bones.

High-fructose corn syrup is made in the lab. It was made, not discovered

>and it is eight times more addictive than cocaine.-Eight times.


Your liver is the suitcase. It's the Costco parking lot. And it's full of sugar


Anonymous ID: db167f Aug. 1, 2021, 7:23 p.m. No.14248365   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Corn smoothie?

From the transcript I shared

"What's the difference between orange juice and, let's say, a Pepsi? Nothing. There's no difference. They're both terrible. "Apple juice, Doc. It's apple." Yeah, I know, but it's a hundred percent fructose [00:14:30] and it's going to go directly to your liver and cause fatty liver. You're never meant to drink fruit. You're meant to eat fruit. God wanted you to eat it, not drink it. Man-made. Fruit juices are man-made. When you look at Dr. Martin's Perfect Smoothie, what do I talk about there? Protein, protein, protein, and then fat. Protein and fat. And [00:15:00] if you're not on the Reset, I give you a few berries. I'll let you have a few berries. Strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries. A few. It's not a fruit drink. It's a protein and fat drink. Goes up to the brain. Lowers inflammation.
