Don’t have to suicide if you’re already dying
>was enough for me
Effin a right. Glad anon isn’t the investigative team that actually had to see it for collecting evidence. Eff all that. Just knowing it happens, which anon didn’t know before, is enough
>awesome people
Definitely. The people doing it deserve medals. Anon would do it if anon was the only person that could save the remaining kids… but they have that covered
>why not censored
Because his shit is weak. It’s light. Perhaps by design to wake normies but there are no major bombshells. Lots of hype but no “knock your socks off” stuff that would leave normies cry. Again, perhaps by design but it’s weak. Pondering further maybe it’s to protect the normies minds so they don’t lose them and get fractured into a gorillion pieces. All possible but still ghey to anon
>Do the stand-ins look anything like the people they stand in for?
Nope. Frustrating when one has no training and isn’t read in on anything. It’s laid out in posts but with normies still doing normie things and the election audits coming as slow as molasses in January… no real choice but to wait and watch. It’s painful to are so much and know zero
Anons observation in life is that people with eyes that close together are vindictive af. There is something to it
Anon has a split-second thought that it’s like they painted eyes on her eyelids because she has to read notes so much and couldn’t look up. Kek
>when do you call a plumber?
Leaks, anon. Multiple meanings exist. Obviously but it’s always been about the leaks
Don’t mean to discouraging, anon. Not anons intent. Many many meanings for everything. Keep going. This anon could be the one that is incorrect
Pretty funny. Not sure why people get so butthurt when saying dudes can’t compete in dudette sports. It’s common sense. Women literally giving up other women’s sports achievements because some dude can’t compete in dudes sports. So insane. He is a MAN. Not a woman
Welp… if that’s how this game is played…
Anon identifies as the POTUS and identifying that my couch is the temporary White House and this old bic pen from 1999 is now an official pen and I’m signing an EO on this napkin. Anon has identified this napkin as an official document and declaring the 2020 election to be a fraud. Trump won. On the other side of the napkin identifying as an official document the White House is now handed back to DJT. Wow this is fun.
Before my resignation as POTUS and inserting this napkin into my Presidential library… anon is signing an EO on the neighboring paper towel that the election riggers have to literally go to a beach or desert and pound sand or stuff sand in their front butt and have to walk around without a shower for a week
Anon wears glasses when anon has been crying to hide the pain…. So yes. There is something to it. Also ex’s that anon dated that were ugly did the same to hide their physical ugliness
Perhaps they should start by not putting water that people poop in into the water supply. That would be a good place to start. Also all the chemicals