Slowly, but with increasing speed,we are being herded towards a position where there is only one option available to get the world back to sanity.
What will you do when you are unable to work,feed your family, have access to Healthcare (a contradictory term,no doubt) see friends and family, or just enjoy basic mobility freedoms?
The precipice is not here yet,and the pain was not meant for them.
Not enjoying the show
This movie sucks
The plan to peacefully retake our basic fundamental principles and freedoms is definitely not happening.
Suicide weekend was not for who you think it was.
I am not tired of winning, because we have won nothing.
The information we have should be enough to wake up even the most cultish entranced zombie.
The great awakening isn't even materialized yet,if ever.
There is no fighting going on (peacefully) that has not been quickly drowned out.
We go out with a whimper?