I live on a farm. My allies include birds.
You don't like crows, because they talk too much in their own tongue?
I know their language. All the birds know their language.
The birds are all talking you.
I live on a farm. My allies include birds.
You don't like crows, because they talk too much in their own tongue?
I know their language. All the birds know their language.
The birds are all talking you.
I live on a farm. My allies include birds.
I don't know any aliens. Just the birds.
They are quite wise.
>>14251005 lb
>Stewards, right? The animals are smart. You are OK but you have work to do.
You have to learn Crow. All the birds speak Crow. They are oldest. They know stuff you'd die for.
I only speak on their behalf,. They are very aware of you. You are not very aware of them. They see roadkill, everywhere. It is food, but they are concerned, because you change things.
Your normal is not their normal.
80% of the birds in the world live within 20 miles of human. Same as rats. Pay attention.
The Crows gave me a lot.
One day they had a murder. At least 300 crows came. Their grandfather died. He was old and crippled. I fed him, I kept him going.
I did not know he was their King.
All the birds are my friends now.
My friends are still reelijng over it.
Call me back when you see every tree filled with crows.
I didn't know his name. I just fed him, with the ducks.I fed the King of Birds.
My enemies don't have wings.
Every day, I walk with them.
They think so, too.
They don't understand Death, like we do.
I am their messenger.