Must be music o’clock anon….
Nobody likes that song but me anymore anon.
I’m so sorry you have experiencing my feelings.
Must be tough.
Disney denied ole mick a jock strap or proper undies.
Pooor guy. All these years dancing around free ballin’.
Mini knew.
Glad to share anon.
As long as you take the gloves off and air them out occasionally (tee her) we’re golden.
You know- you scratch my back- I’ll scratch… and all that.
Quick WW- let them know. The way the world is going- it might be their mast opportunity for some lovin’
Prolly mask glue
But his minion said the vaccinated can seriously spread Covid. That was special.
Keks of breads past anon. Had a meme for that somewhere…
Anon had family that would bake bread in a similar one.
Well that’s just dandy.
Just say hello. KEK!
Do tell…
Sorry for your loss anon.
Let’s see if I can help.
My pandemic supply box contains lavender ones- tho the hooker thing goes against house rules.
May be willing to trade.