>>14254012 pb
David Horowitz just now stated on Tucker Carlson that everything the democrat/communist left is doing is TREASON and republicans are to fucking nice to confront them. I think it's time to put in a call to Dirty Harry.
>>14254012 pb
David Horowitz just now stated on Tucker Carlson that everything the democrat/communist left is doing is TREASON and republicans are to fucking nice to confront them. I think it's time to put in a call to Dirty Harry.
Yes, yes she is. Patriot!!!
Got me!! kek
Telling someone NOT to do something makes them want to do it even moar. Way back when, Striesand chided the paparazzi and demanded that they stop running pictures of her mansion in Ca. Must have been a lot of gawkers. Well, it wound up bringing even moar gawkers and so the phrase was coined, "The Streisand Effect". I believe it was Rush who coined it.
Kathy Griffen. Skank.
Smells incredible!!!! Taste evem better I bet!!!
KMFAO!!! Shame on you!!
"The Runt". Nice, long, tight noose.
Bet she has a cock between those big thighs.
Ain't forcing me to do jack fucking shit.
His time for doing that will be never. Fuck him.
Yea, that's notable alright. Notably gross.
Not even for Bern. kek
Skank. Makes Skunk vomit.
He could run as a republican uh? kek
That not all they own. They own a POTUS and his family.
Yep, they'll steal it just like they'll steall 2022, 2024, 2026. I've the notion that theyve been stealing election for a long, long time.
Well, he is the Rock!!! kek
Covid is only for repubs. "The One" is exempt along with the other 900 travelers.