Positive Energy levels Mounting.
Ride the waves.
Hey, Fake news here.
If you all would stay home for the next two weeks
That'd be Great
We have a point of view we NEED to adopt
Secure main engines.
Open outer doors.
Flood Meme bays I-VII.
Navigator, New Course 543
Positive Energy Beams at Maximum Saturation
Fire-Control: Stand-By
Kekulating Firing Solution
Beep boop beep
All sytems Green for Launch.
We're in the pipe
All Battle Stations Reporting Green.
Shields are up, Memecannons are Primed.
Just give the Command Sir.
Damnit Blumenthal!
Prepare for counter attack
Evasive Maneuver: SkyKing-Omega-III
Autism Nearing Critical Levels
Hold the Line
We're in for some chop.
Prepare to recieve transmission