-add blank space before and after to have a handful of different size videos
-change the aspect ratio
-mess with the color too
-add blank space before and after to have a handful of different size videos
-change the aspect ratio
-mess with the color too
ok…. what is you digg? we know these things and all can go to the library and obtain the same knowledge.
unless you have something FURTHER… we will all move along
uggh… the NULL MAGNETIC FIELD, and the next GREAT CATACLYSM is indeed in many libraries.
ANYONE can visit the Grand Lodge of NY and the wonderful library high atop that building and ask to checkout ANY of these works.
again i ask what FURTHER connections should be made from these works?
your quite slow
this is a list of the 99.9X populations…
these admittedly are people who contracted it? well then they are LOTTERY WINNERS… we, me, my family and friends… ARE NOT LOTTERY WINNERS
also.. THE ROPE
all these documents.. much like MASONRY are meant to DISTRACT and lead GOOD MEN on wild misguided 'research'
please start your own thread unless you can DIGG anything better than a swastika from them
fuck off…. over there -new thread
confirmed panic