Anonymous ID: 87aee0 Aug. 3, 2021, 1:22 p.m. No.14261405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1468 >>1708

SMART ANONS I have a question.. during comfy shift I was poasting about graphene and how they have the "wearables" (tattoos) etc and how they track our vital signs. They had a whole bullshit excuse why that's such a neat idea. Well we know these fuckers are being tracked..

(you can take portal to symbolism thread and I posted a lot of it there but have moar to add.) portal >>14256819 (Symbols) Last 4 poasts explain it.


A while back, I went to pay the water bill, and this tiny town had switched to smert meters and the new system in their computer, etc. This is a very small, slow, country town. The guy that works there has white hair and he grew up here and this was a whole new toy for him. He was tripping out on what it could do. He said, "I can tell you things that you prolly don't want me to know.. like when you flush the toilet or take a shower, etc.." He went on to say, the only way this would measure incorrectly is if there's a heart monitor on, you're pushing the #5 on the cell phone, " and I think the third thing was a baby monitor.. but I can't remember for sure. I DO remember the heart monitor. He said the reader and meters (or something like that.. you know the thing.. the whole thingamajig.. is set at the same frequency. #5 on phone, heart monitor, smart meter.. etc.. You know how they can give us heart attacks and seizures, and do all the mk ultra crap thru the phones with the patsies, plus how they read our thoughts and then the ad shows up on youtube? So does this graphene shit work at the same frequency or did I take too many pots and really they don't need the smart meters to do it if we have phones or maybe both or maybe none of the above? So yea.. smart Anons would prolly figure out whatever I'm trying to figure out.. etc..


Some of the poasts from NS >>14254329 pb, >>14254421 pb

>>14254107 pb but the portal link ties it to DARPA and that regina rugan witch.