oh man -come on man - release the audit before senile Joe speaks on coumo' rona - release the SAMMICH
ted "buck slammer" lewd
drop the sammich - huomo, drop hilldawgs frap -huma
its called: SDNY
nickwhore blustery stormy red puffy eyed - her luv gov … sdny let you down>? u wannabe /#metoo not , #witch&whore yes
drop the pics mo huo cuo
biden and hunter
all the black eyed lunks luntz mccarthy buck bois
cavuto stetler ali chrissy juanita leshame
biden punishing Amercans for the sins of huomo cuomo and the losing democrats
forcing vaccines and damaging businesses by forcing an experimental vaccine over all other science
why STUPID joe WHY?
biden = science
biden = #metoo
the witless whisper
the gentle grope
the pursed leering beady eyed pinch on the nip
poo poo is that an audit or ballots in yo diapers
biden owns the unions -
randi blacks who voted biden - please please please get the shot
soft strokes - gimme the vaccine
too late -ywe gotta watch you die - no vaccine for you
what bullshit
you cant get the vaccine if you're dying?
what the fuck?
biden is such a hunter dickhead
what is the science behind banning people from being around unvaccinated
sammich pedophilly
he's gonna call a lid right in front of the camera