>>14260830 (lb)
i ching, trigram #1, in evil red
There are 64 hexagrams in the I Ching, which are used in divination, consisting of six lines that are either full or broken. Each hexagram has its specific meaning and divination text. But they in turn are made up of pairs of trigrams, with three lines each. And those trigrams are the real keys to the I Ching and its logics.
Each of the eight trigrams represents a basic force of nature. They are:
1.Heaven,the Creative
Lake, the Joyous
Fire, the Clinging
Thunder, the Arousing
Wind, the Gentle
Water, the Abysmal
Mountain, Keeping Still
Earth, the Receptive
Trigram 1 isHeaven(qián or ch'ien), consisting of three solid Yang lines. Yang stands for heaven, light, and warmth. The trigram represents creativity, since Heaven is in ancient Chinese thought regarded as the origin of the world and the mightiest force in it. It also denotes the dry warming of the sun, and it suggests the male principle.
It consists of three solid lines, i.e. Yang lines. Yang is the principle of light and the heavenly, so it has to be represented in abundance in the trigram of Heaven. It's the ultimate Yang.
The Chinese character for this trigram, shown above to the right, suggests the drying light of the sun.
i ching features in sci fi novel Man In The High Castle.
i ching & DNA (Dr Joseph P Farrell, Babylon's Banksters)