Interesting - thank you.
Bribers will be reimbursed or given tax credits by the IRS.
Keep reading further. His descendants fled tyranny.
The usual Dindu's
He should already have taken action when they wiped their ass with the orders.
Brave Billy speaks out.
Will Kamala do the same?
They definitely IMO will get a tax credit for every $ they spend on this. Same with Wal mart, Home Depot et al.
Pfizer fast track for September. How coincidental. See it's FDA approved so u have to take it and schools can require it for your kids.
She went half Nig.
He should have been up the night before - ready to pounce with orders and handcuffs.
He's soft.
I hear that. FDA approval = dogshit in my book.
Ben the Nigger Jew edited out the part beforehand where Bojangles antagonized the cops. Glad it was B on B though - otherwise we'd be watching another city burn.
He should have intervened of his volition before they had to ask. Maybe its a paper trail formality but if he doesn't we know it's over.
Not disagreeing - I just feel that any $ used to induce a vax by private industry will be reimbursed or credited by IRS - per Biden &Co.
Reminds me of the rank and file Alphabet agency employees being deemed 'good guy white hats' and just a few at the tippy top are bad - mantra.
The pensions and pride stopped any good ones from speaking up a long time ago.
Fixed it for you
DOJ is going to 'oversee' audits to find something they can say disenfranchises their voters (Dem voters) - within this context they will introduce race related allegations.
They are daring states to try them.
They are NOT ordering states to NOT conduct audits - however.
They do not have that authority - just as the CDC does not have the authority to issue a moratorium extension on RENT.
They are daring Right Side lawyers to challenge them and wielding the RACISM hammer for those who dare.
Pure and simple intimidation tactics and ursurpation of the law.
Alinsky 101 baby.
LZ-3 Sweet my brother.
Change title to: "FORGOT TO USE A RUBBER". Work with me and sing it!
Billy Idol - To Be A Lover (Official Music Video)
Every nigger in Chicongo has at least (1) unregistered firearm.
Jail time - nah, no bail release.
Bidan with 8.1 Million over votes ~ 10% of his pretend 81 Million take.
And, to date, he's gotten away with it.
I'm expecting Clinesmith level probation butt-fuckery and will be pleased if any one actually goes to jail for over 6 months.