I think you miss the point
You are supposed to upload it as GIF
And then click on the image
Like this one here
Shot in Monte Carlo
And the Villa Leopolda,
The most expensive house in the world
I believe this is aboutkept women
The people on this board are so gol-darned STUPID
That when there is clear evidence
That evil people
Have created a threat to the health of Americans
All they can do is wail helplessly
Like little baby morons
And point there fingers
Pink Man Bad!!!they shriek
Who gives a fuck about that?
Isn't this a place for RESEARCHERS
Where is the SOLID research
On how to prevent and counteract this BIOWEAPON?
All I see are dribs and drabs
Little more than rumors that so and so
Says this stuff will stop it, fix it, whatever
Where is the research?
The evidence?
The formulas for the cures?