What's that supposed to mean?
OMG! I missed it tonight. I'll have to find it. Lmao.
From one village idiot to another, your assessment of Barneslaw is spot on!
Here's an article on Steyer was buying ad time on the Roseanne show.
http ://ussanews.com/News1/2018/05/11/steyer-buying-ads-on-roseanne-in-battleground-states/
The white house made a statement that they are not aware of any claim from NK that the summit with Trump is cancelled. They are proceeding to plan for it.
We all, whether catholic or otherwise, have to remember that our hearts & intentions are still sincere in the eyes of God. Contrary to popular teaching in the Catholic church, the Pope is NOT the absolute authority anymore. He is a man. Apparently a very evil man. God & the law will deal with him & all like him. The Pope, along with other infamous & misleading "men of God" like Jim Jones, David Koresh, Jim Bakker, Warren Jeffs, etc. will pay a higher price than we, as they used the word of God & "the church" to build trust and hide their evil ways. Neither WE nor God are responsible for the wickedness of these people.