Anonymous ID: a6a48b May 15, 2018, 8:57 p.m. No.1427125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7176

Georgia Guide Stones, Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, Fabian Society, Club of Rome, Bilderberg, Cult of Isis, Cult of Saturn, Synagogue of Satan, Moloch, Coven of the Golden Dawn, Council on Foreign Relations, NATO, PNAC, IMF, BIS, SES, MJ12, Tri Lateral Commission, Federal Reserve Bank, Economic Hitmen, Rockefeller Institute for Education, Revisionist History, Common Core, Rothschild Zionism, Reuters, Monsanto, Dupont, DOW, IG Farben, The Carlyle Group, The Clinton Foundation, Marina Abromavich, Spirit Cooking, Epstein Island, Theosophy, Luciferian Doctrine, Isis Ra El, Talmud, Hegelian Dialect, Attack on USS Liberty, Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin Incident, Sinking of the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, 9-11, False Flags, PATRIOT ACT, Codex Alimentarius, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050, Smart Cities, Smart Meters, Smart Grid, Austerity, Redistribution of Wealth, Sustainable Development, Carbon Taxing, NDAA, Legalized Propaganda, Pre Crime, Thought Crime, The Epicyte Gene, Glyphosate, GMOs, Fluoride, Mercury, Technocracy, Fractional Reserve Lending, Fiat, Quantitative Easing, Inflation, Taxation without Representation, Leftist Ideology, Marxism, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, Human Resources, REX84, Communism, Usury, Meritime Admiralty Law, Legal Fiction, Straw Man, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, HAARP, Operation Mockingbird, Project Monarch, MK Ultra, RFID, 5G, Transhumanism, Problem-Reaction-Solution, Orchestrated Scarcity, DFS, Gender Neutrality, Gender Non Conformity, Polyamory, The War Against the Family Unit, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Religious Sexual Abuse, Pedogate, Ted Gunderson, The Finders, Pentagon Child Porn, Adrenochrome, Franklin Cover-up, Child Sex Trafficking, Khazarian Mafia, New World Order… Depopulation Agenda, Dollar Hegemony,


Is it really so far of a stretch that rich and powerful people get together and conspire to increase their power, influence and sphere of finances?


Is it really too far of a stretch that rich and powerful families try to keep their familial line rich and powerful?


Is it really so far of a stretch that uber rich and powerful people see you as a commodity?


Is it really so far of a stretch that rich and powerful people are organized and flock in the same circles?


Is it really so far of a stretch that secrecy is key in strategy?


Critical thinking about Conspiracy reality…


Big thank you Anons! Big thank you Q! Big thank you operators!


Big thank you bakers! Big thank you red pillers!