Unemployment benefits are often denied.
Was this for measles?
I remember at about that time, all of the kids in my elementary school had to go to the gym and get a shot. I think it was for the measles, but I don't even know.
I was 11. Born in 1961.
I remember we all had to go to the gym and everyone got a shot. I think our parents had to sign a form first to give them permission.
What the heck. Giving kids shots at school. What the heck were they thinking?
Did a tineye.com search and came up with something in German. Any anons know German?
"Wer gegen den Strom schwimmt, gelangt zur Quelle"
Monat: April 2016
April 2016
Europäische Impfwoche: Propaganda, ansteckende Geimpfte und wissenschaftlicher Unfug (Video)
Im Rahmen der diesjährigen »Europäischen Impfwoche« rufen wieder einmal Politiker und Krankenkassenfunktionäre öffentlich dazu auf, Gehirn und gesunden Menschenverstand abzuschalten und sich insbesondere gegen die harmlose Kinderkrankheit Masern impfen zu lassen.
Im Rahmen der »Europäischen Impfwoche« rufen die Sozialministerin Katrin Altpeter von Baden-Württemberg und Dr. Christopher Hermann, der AOK-Vorstandsvorsitzende der AOK Baden-Württemberg, dazu auf, sich über den Impfstatus zu informieren und fehlende Impfungennachzuholen.
Weiter heißt es in der Pressemeldung vom 21. April 2016:
»Um sich und andere vor Infektionskrankheiten zu schützen, ist ein vollständiger Impfschutz wichtig. Leider wissen zu wenige, ob und gegen was sie geimpft sind. Deshalb möchten wir vor allem Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene motivieren, in ihren Impfausweis zu schauen und mit dem Hausarzt zu besprechen, wie der Impfstatus am besten zu aktualisieren ist.
Ministerin Altpeter wies darauf hin, dass in Baden-Württemberg weniger als 90 Prozent der Bevölkerung zweimal gegen Masern geimpft sind. Dies sei zu wenig für den sogenannten…
Ursprünglichen Post anzeigen 923 weitere Wörter
Forcing them to live by their own stupid rules.
Just following their Saul Alinsky playbook.
Guess now they can't have all of those kids that they wanted there.
Coyotes got chased away by crazy assistant principal at the beach.
thanks fren
Well that's just weird.
It that a well know fact/myth in the Finger Lakes Area?
People joke about things that are true.
Like in Chicago, it's a standing joke that dead people vote. And "vote early, vote often". People have known that for a long time, but no one has ever been able to do anything about it. Dems. can't actually win if they don't cheat. Not enough stupid and/or corrupt people. So the Dems. just keep rigging the elections so that they can win and get RINOs in.
>(from the school board to the Resolute desk).
The School Boards needs to be disbanded.
The Teachers Unions need to be disbanded.
The Overpaid Administrators need to all be fired.
The Schools need to be disbanded.
Go back to parent run One Room School Houses.
The parents in an area get together and hire a teacher to teach their kids. No government involvement.
> and to mistakenly believe that there is more to fear from the vaccines than from Covid-19.
No bias there.
There is nothing in our Constitution that guarantees a "free and public education"
Government run schools are a Socialist idea.
Parents are responsible for their children's education. And also for clothing & feeding them.
We need to reclaim our kids.