Whatever it is he’s a huge faggot
They’re credibility will be in the shitter, those that weren’t aware, I mean think about some of those people are literally dumb af reading a card put in front of them. Who knows where they end up, won’t be in front of a camera though. The ones that were misleading on purpose will be in prison or hopefully hung but now I’m dreaming so…
Our fiat currency is worthless, we just haven’t officially realized it yet…but that’s coming
So basically PCR although it can differentiate between genetic material influenza (also a type of corona) and corona of COVID-19 it doesn’t mean shit because it doesn’t say “yeah that shit is growing”. The guest points out that we used to confirm a pathogen was actually “growing” they didn’t do this. Another key point she made is testing companies are banking it. The medical industrial complex is a complete cash grab but anons already knew that. So in conclusion, if this “scientist” is correct, PCR does differentiate but still shouldn’t have been the basis for the alleged pandemic because it has no way to determine viability.
Uh…yes…space is fake af