Anonymous ID: 396930 Aug. 4, 2021, 8:27 a.m. No.14267473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7903


▫️The Cabal is officially in the bunker as of yesterday at about 10am EST. Well done anons. The bunker is the last stop for losers

▫️The current elected Federal US Government has no visible support outside the lying narratives being generated by the FakeNews. It’s just like Lincoln said “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” In the real world nobody is listening to the edicts being issued from the District of Columbia. It’s only a matter of time till collapse occurs. Americans aren’t as stupid as they thought.

▫️The ‘lashing out’ of the Cabal is going to disturb even the most seasoned War Vets/long term anons. The bottom of public opinion for the Federal Government (occupied by the Chinese Government) is dropping out. Don’t think that the new tactic of the US Government of holding political prisoners, a signature of totalitarian governments, is some random event. Those are orders direct from the Chinese Government.

▫️The trolls that are seeding doubt about President Trump and our Constitution will NEVER be successful. Q+ is why we’re her e and America is why Q+ is here. But keep trying. It helps us build support for the best President in history.

▫️Poor ‘Circle Back’ Psaki - She ran out of lies at a very bad point to run out of lies. It’s tough defending the indefensible anons. Even a room full of FakeNews couldn’t save her. Shit happens in the bunker.

▫️If the leaders of Israel are Jewish, why are they killing their own people with the vaccine? The Death Cult can no longer hide in the shadow of other religions anymore. We’re saving Israel for last - patience is the key.

▫️China Virus Vaccine = The first concerted effort to access the ‘electrical’ system of every human being with RF devices.

▫️Can nanotech be used to alter the mood/thoughts of a human being? Don’t get the vaccine.

▫️Now it’s on. White Hats had Biden turn on the Federal Government and the put them up as an example first. All those Bureaucrats that carried water like Gungha Din for the Democrats for hundreds of years. Watch what happens. It’s all planned out - precipice is now at the door of 2.4 million Federal Government Employees and app 10 million Government Contractors. Have faith in humanity anons. Patriots in control.

▫️In the end the Democrats / Death Cult will throw anybody and everybody under the bus to save their sorry hides. Why move on the enemy when the enemy is devouring itself? Trust the plan. Hollywood is in flames and people like Meryl Streep are doing ‘Kohls’ commercials. ▫️The chaos is the end of their world and the beginning of yours. Q Research / Citizen Journalists and others worldwide brought them down.

▫️They invented Big Tech to be their propaganda vehicle and God gave them the mirror. Patriots seized control and made it their Great Awakening / Truth Movement Megaphone. For those that don’t get it yet - God wins.

▫️Hardly anybody got the virus ‘Covid 19’. It was all a sham about anything remotely resembling a pandemic. So was it about the sham pandemic or was it about the ‘100% vaccinated’ program? Why are they pushing so hard so fast? Anons, that means they have a very limited window. Evade, disrupt, delay the vaccine. Time is indeed almost up for them and you can see it with every one of their panicked eruptions of totalitarian edicts.

▫️This about covers it (“deep state sloppy AF trying to execute 16 yr plan in 3 years”) ▫️INFORMATION WARFARE. Break their system of control. Break their con. Anons this is attack formation alpha in our first run at knocking FakeNews the fuck out. Take your shots when you can. We can do this.

▫️Anons - it’s us or them. They’ve certified to us that we are to be dealt with in the gravest of ways. It’s a death match. Think about that. We will not give the victory away. We’re playing till the final gun. PATRIOTS FIGHT