Yup. Pfizer, Moderna and J&J keep rolling this stuff out so they can be arrested for crimes against humanity. At the end of the show of course. Makes perfect sense.
>Yup. Pfizer, Moderna and J&J keep rolling this stuff out so they can be arrested for crimes against humanity. At the end of the show of course. Makes perfect sense.
DJT too. Part of the plan for him to sacrifice the American public to death. I knew it all along. I just kept it to myself for the plan because I'm an anon Patriot.
Gotcha. DJT takes a bullet for the plan knowing he'll be arrested for crimes against humanity. Now it all makes sense.
Free eggroll with that Fortune Cookie?
>The light in the sky, Apollyon, is changing its mood and energy, as is the earth, and all vessels harboring life/spirits on it. including (you)
Sounds awesome. I'll open a few chakras so I'm ready
Wow. So you're already firing on what is it? 7 chakras. You must be an enlightened romping stomping prophet. What's you're new book called?
>but, after Trump and MI gets it all straight
You may want to hold off on the Trump thing. He's in the process of killing off 50.3% of the American population with his death injection. That's according to twitter and 8kun and the like. And you can take that to the bank. These people are in the know.
>Fuck off faggot
That's not very enlightening of you. You should take the advice of a prior poster an open a chakra. For you that looks like the Sacral. Become one with your nonsense.
😁 I'll have what he's having. What is that. LSD with an opium chaser.
>to words for one thing
BTW - looks like one of your chakras isn't opened for business. Take another hit.
I wouldn't bat an eyelash.