There NEVER was a virus, only a lab produced “SPIKE”
What anons KNOW:
The ‘virus’ has never been isolated.
The ‘vaccines’ contain trillions ‘spikes’.
Vaccinated people shed SPIKES that INFECT OTHERS with ‘the cov’. [aka, delta variant]
There NEVER WAS A VIRUS. What infected people around the world were ‘spikes’ intentionally planted into large population areas. Now, satanic genius, they get people begg’in for a vaccine that contains massive numbers of ‘spikes’, to produce within our bodies MORE ‘spikes’. A never ending plandemic.
If it’s never been FOUND, how did they determine it has ‘spikes’ ?
WHO produces the ‘spikes’ they put into ‘vaccines’? How did they determine how to produce something that has never been FOUND?
It fits the pieces of this jigsaw puzzle we’re caught in better then any other explanation I’ve read.
THIS is LITERALLY right out of a Tom Clancy book.
Need anons to shoot this down and/or add your insight.
This thought hit me like a ton of bricks watching the video below:
“Freedom Fighter Court VICTORY! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine in Alberta!’
Freedom Fighter Court VICTORY! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine in Alberta! (