The prefrontal cortex is where they place the implants
That give them total control
The code name for people with implants installed
Used to beAlien
But now with the improved total control tech
They use the termAIfor these people
When the AI software is perfected
These AI's (or Ays) will be jacked into the cloud
This is what the Borg in Star Trek were all about
They had implants in their brain
The ones who got the implants wereassimilated
The TV series Star Trek Picard was making an offer to these Borg
That if they flip
And become xB's (Ex Borg) they would be given a tropical paradise
To live out their days in peace
On the planet Coppelius
Coppelius is Latin, back formed from the Italian Coppola
Which means "little hat"
Or course, a little hat is worn on the little head
And originally these were made from lamb intestines
Like the one in the picture
Those who wore the coppola
Did not reproduce
Like synthetic life forms in the TV series
When you take the trouble to install a control chip
In a person's brain
You likely also sterilize them
At the same time
AI really are not quite human.
And by the way.
This has been part of the Cabal plan
Since at least 1816