Anonymous ID: ba66cb May 15, 2018, 10:16 p.m. No.1427777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7788 >>7810 >>7813


Dumb fuck larper following retard.

You're not helping by researching a larp.

You're just wasting your efforts.

You might as well be following Backchannel17, Jones and Corsi if you're gonna fall for such an obvious larp.


We don't need gullible people who fall for every cryptic nonsense poster and misinformation post researching here.

Think long and hard about why we're here and come back when you understand.

Q and the people Q said to trust are the only trustworthy sources regarding any info about justice for the cabal. No matter what kind of insider X could possibly be, he has nothing to contribute regarding that, else that would indicate a breach in Q team comms.


Anyone who posts cryptic nonsense other than Q is a larper imitating Q.

Anyone who falls for those larpers is a moron detrimental to Q research.

And anyone who puts that garbage in the notables should slam a car door on their hands for misleading people so they physically can't do it again lest their stupidity poison the bread.

Anonymous ID: ba66cb May 15, 2018, 10:39 p.m. No.1428035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8091 >>8129


You probably fell for Backchannel17 didn't you?



Proof and explanation below

Q posts that way because of who he is.

Q is Q and not anyone else.

Ergo anyone who isn't Q that posts like Q is a larper.


Do you need Q to explain every time someone is larping?

If you read the drops you should understand how things work by now.

Q is part of a small team that includes Trump, Sessions, probably Wray, and a handful of others who know the full plan. Only they know the plan and the existence of Q anon is part of the plan. Q anon ensures that knowledge of the plan and execution of the plan with civilian help (us), is carried out through controlled channels and is conveyed directly from the source with minimal ambiguity to us (using weaponized autism to decode the message), maximum ambiguity to the cabal (double meanings bait the cabal to provoke them to make mistakes) but still with plausible deniability for security reasons.


For these reasons it is an absolute necessity that:

  1. Q posts in code

  2. Q is the only anonymous source

  3. Q ensures disinformation from people like Alex Jones, Corsi, Backchannel17, and X/any random anon who posts cryptic messages, does not corrupt the message.

Anonymous ID: ba66cb May 15, 2018, 10:52 p.m. No.1428190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8216


No it isn't. Those were larps too, more obvious than X. I can't possibly believe you guys are dumb enough to fall for EVERY larp.

You're probably one the same retards who got one of those "archons and light patterns " posts in the notables a few hundred threads ago.