>Bill Gates: ‘I’ve Never Understood Being Against Masks as Strongly as Some People Are’
>Bill Gates: ‘I’ve Never Understood Being Against Masks as Strongly as Some People Are’
> State Dept. sleuthing the whereabouts of a $5,800 whiskey bottle given to Pompeo from Japan
Saudi king showered Obamas with $1.3 million in gifts in 2014www.yahoo.com/news/saudi-king-showered-obamas-with-1308621692543030.html
"When Trump was staying at Mar-a-Lago there were military aircraft circling overhead everyday. How do I know this? Because there is a video of Air Force fighter jets over Mar-a-Lago. Monkey Werx also picked up on them. Here's his report from last Friday."
"We know President Trump is meeting with unknown individuals in New Jersey, New York, Virginia and Washington. We know he was transported out of West Palm Beach airport in a military aircraft to Fort Hood Military Base in Texas. So don't tell me he isn't working on something."
"While staying at Mar-a-Lago his Secret Service protection detail was transferred to the military out of Fort Bragg. We know his motorcade is larger than Biden's and the number of agents guarding him is massive. Former Presidents do not have this level of security. Why?"