Doesn't it seem ironic, that when it comes to abortions, killing babies, the left is ALL ABOUT, "my body, my choice," yet, when it comes to poison vaccines, they suddenly reverse direction. Ever heard of talking out of both sides of your mouth? Devil speaks with forked tongue. Lies are their bread and butter.
Negative. A virus is different from a bacterial infection because to replicate, instead of cellular mitosis, it breaches a hosts cells, kills off the natural nucleus and replaces it with its own, and takes over.
Sounds kinda familiar doesn't it?
This is why virus' tend to be harder to deal with, because it's disguising itself. The body generally knows its own cells from the receptors, so in essence, a virus is hiding in a natural cell and fools the bodies immune system because on the outside, it, "looks," like a natural cell, but the nucleus has been taken over.