> Even "BV" Gets An Audit Edition
So he fucking should.
OSS was on an extended muh joo rampage and was banning everyone who dissented left right and centre.
Anon had a gut full of his constant kike calling of anyone who disagreed and called him out.
Result= permaban for this post.
What the fuck happened to free speech?
Anon is pleased to see he has toned down his faggotry and is not shoving the muh joo cock down anon's throats every 2nd post these days.
Anon was gonna baker until OSS claimed that calling every dissenter a kike would actually encourage real anons to bake.
Anon was seriously asking how was making him a bv part of the plan!
That being said, anon must congratulate him for eliminating much of the baker faggotry that has infested the board since the kitchen was infiltrated.