we all know joshua wants to ride your pickle
call him
when do the gay fags post?
i can totally come back for gay fag posts
your inner hubbard struggle is real
rub some peanut butter on it
old homo feels shekels gehy was fake
RUMP blamed
RUMP released memo on crowd
RUMP colored poo gehy not fake memo
israel got hiv
RUMP repeats homo warnings sternly against fake memo release fart
RUMP farts fauci(frech fart) all gehy AF at US
RUMP had mexican beer disease when fauci incident poo
RUMP didn't wipe fauci incident from offical homo and FIB agnets
RUMP fired farts before fauci incident released fake memo
RUMP knows mexican beer disease can be faught with burritos and pesole
RUMP blamed for bad investments FIB agnets knowingly hide pedoshekels
RUMP starwman egregore of cynical want and decieve
RUMP launches crop duster swampgasses at CNN like fox
RUMP farts on tv tax free
RUMP sold coCIAne secrets to denver gaschamber architects
trillionaire wanted to see RUMP fart on tv tax free
RUMP goes full boston steamer to CPAC enviromental released at GAYLORD intl
RUMP goes on tax free frolic to avoid larps
RUMP shows shadow stains from underoos
RUMP conspires with shadow salad larps of greek choir for peanut butter canyon taxes
RUMP declares califaturkey buttjews wasteland
RUMP decides to not use white house Q
chits in woody area anyways
RUMP caught digging faggots with homo
Jesus chirst,
RUMP knows what a larp is
RUMP impeached bigger longer stronger fake memo before
RUMP wins "hory chit" avalanche contest twice already
RUMP drops poo from false twat shill leaders of snowflake gehy keywords
RUMP swampgasses release trinity farts from assgarms of coldwar coke texas taxes
RUMP farts on tv tax free again
RUMP blocked from AZ vote hole jew coCIAne seeks burrito
RUMP not connected to YUGE obelisk
RUMP declares bounty on farts and berliner coupon
RUMP poo$ jew$new$ fart fake all homo feels
RUMP poo bigly after farts gehy fake
space bots releaes on nyc homo
australia lies for fart shekels
RUMP unauthorized documentary of micheal moore goes double platinum
>RUMP unauthorized documentary
RUMP blames muhbloodlines shills for jewish buttseks in talmud homo