When 'anti-capitalist' and 'anti-government' hate groups PUSH FOR CORPORATE PROFITS AND POLITICAL POWER OVER THE PEOPLE.
Antifa are a bunch of contradictory morons
When 'anti-capitalist' and 'anti-government' hate groups PUSH FOR CORPORATE PROFITS AND POLITICAL POWER OVER THE PEOPLE.
Antifa are a bunch of contradictory morons
>As if the medical industry's dividing of families did not PRECEDE the families from becoming divided.
Hey didn't Karl Marx also use the axiom of dividing and splitting up families in his psychological projection masquerading as an ontology?
You don't define the enemy, demon.
We are not divided by race or religion.
You're the enemy.
Time's almost up
It's not working.
Your dialectic has completely collapsed.
You're just yelling at the clouds.
No. Ignatius of Loyola, as elected leader of the newly-founded Jesuit order, was heard to say that he would like to have been born of Jewish blood because he would then be closer to Christ our Lord.
No, 'They' = Satanists.
False dichotomy.
>Divide humanity into Jew haters and Jew defenders, regardless of truth or justice of individual actions.
Nope, you worship Satan, Jews worship God.
Problem is your 'questioning' is intentionally biased to ignore all 'tribes' who commit the same exact actions that you only seem to want to 'see' in the Jewish 'tribe'.
None of that disproves the fact Jews worship God.
It's just unsourced memes copypasta'd from stormfront
>yOu mUsT DisPRoVe
Baker recommend removing
It says Fake and Ghey right in the pic, and it cannot be found anywhere on the group's twitter.
These criminals are offering the 'choice' of either force or force, mandate or mandate, prison or dangerous experimental drug injections.
These people are psychopaths.
How in the world did you do that?
You mean 18000 breads of you low IQ division logic shills repeating the same dem playbook of 'associate with those names that already have a bad smell' DOES NOT EQUATE TO TRUTH NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU REPEAT IT?
Kek, your own cognitive dissonance is what you're experiencing, chump.
By your own garbled logic you worship satan
hEy gUiZe, if CNN iS dOiNg tHiS, iT mUsT bE nOrMaL bEhAvIoUr.
after his criminal network had capitol police officers murdered
you really should lay off the drugs
Yep, the defense attorney for Trump is Jewish.