With the death of America and the United States of America as entities and corporation, so too is the demise of all of her laws, titles, and contracts. As is likely planned for all corporations/nations.
As did the revolutionary war nullify all land agreements, treaties, and contracts between tribal nations with the english, dutch, and french, so too is this great reset set to nullify ALL existing laws, contracts, agreements titles, deeds, licenses, registrations, permissions, etc….
this is how they plan to get to "you will own nothing…"
> Fijian island
NotNVIXM's Clare Bronfman's island "Wakaya – a 3.1 square mile private island off the coast ofFiji"…
Any bronfman-larry page connects?
after 18000 breds you still don't realize they are all the same thing? cognitive dissonance like a MF
all 'gods' are satan. a conditional authority. Creation is LOVE. Love has no conditions. Ever expanding abundance, acceptance, support, and unity, etc…
There is love, or there are conditions.
You fall under something by choice, you participate in dominion. There is no dominion, all is one. You are not under anything, but part of everything. Anything else is an illusion (you) choose.
no clown. are you fucking retarded. who runs the global human livestock plantation? every vertical of control? pharma, big tech, media, usury, govenment, energy, defense, global ngos? The c-suite and boards?
You answer is the truth. No matter how many times you choose to ignore it.
anons worship nothing. to worship is to stand under, as a lesser. whatever one is standing under is that satan- god, addiction, habit, routine, etc… all masters.
you are part of ALL, less than none. you are only under the satan(s) you choose to be under.
>The Rothschilds aren't Jews. They're Satanists.
What is the synagogue of satan again?
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