> Trips
> Fuckery inbound
> Certificate spoofing vulnerability from Jan of 2020
> //www.nsa.gov/News-Features/Feature-Stories/Article-View/Article/2056772/a-very-important-patch-tuesday/
> //msrc-blog.microsoft.com/2020/01/14/january-2020-security-updates-cve-2020-0601/
This is old news, no?
And why would anyone believe that the MS cryptographic suite is even close to being secure?
Their shit is full of holes, and they're forced to admit the existence of new ones on a regular basis.
> Mandates are not constitutional
Neither are any of their other regulations and infringements. But people go along with it anyways, because some asshole with a gun enforces it.
Nothing about the government is lawful, and everybody who works for it is a criminal.
> Willing to engage in moral relativism
If you're in uniform, and you've sworn an Oath, you'd better fucking keep it. Even it if means you stop getting paid, even if you get put in the brig, you keep your fucking Oath.
If you don't, then everything I've written about you is true. Felons. All of them.
Some of those felons have repented of their bad deeds, and they now choose to work against their former employers. This does not change what they did, and it does not change the status of others who still server the enemy.
Any member of law enforcement who participated in the lockdowns needs to be charged.
It's just that simple.
> Open and Notorious
Look around you, fren.
The accusations of criminal activity are supported by evidence.
Most of what they do is outright theft, and everything else is just cover. It's a front, to maintain the legend and provide an air of legitimacy.
But crime motivates and rules it all.
Sovereign immunity is a trick. They need to be held accountable for the illegal orders they obeyed.
Now go fuck off, shill.
> FBI exists to rule and control crime, not fight it
Such is the case with all of law enforcement.
They provide a monopoly on crime, for their bosses.
Everything else is just cover.