why do you need to believe in some overarching system of control? is it because you don't want to take responsibility for your own universe?
and now, cheerleading
Trust no one who helped perpetrate the 911 lie
California will go red
That's why Gavin can't let there be a fair recall vote
Is that you Barack?
Don't forget to laugh, anons
What will they do with the remaining problem non-vaxxers and free-thinkers? Unless the election fraud reveals Trump is the rightful president and arrests happen, we may be forced to individually fight the vaccine-police as they come for us in our homes and work places. The precipice is edgy. We can't unite without the truth, yet without uniting we can't win. The only way to win is not to play the game. Learn to play the game.
Trump didn't bring "us" the vaccine. Many of us thought for ourselves and refused it.
Pence was their insurance plan, a traitor and probably a pedo-player. Is he Satan? you'll have to prove that
I understand, I can't reconcile it either.
It ain't over till it's over, boys, and there's still pieces of the puzzle to solve. This is modern warfare, where we are isolated in battle way too close to home and the collateral damage is personal. They won't be able to walk down the streets seems closer every day. We've got a good idea who our enemies are this time around. Even if Trump lost or turned and Q is a honeypot, our research is solid and our duty to protect our Constitution still stands.
They identify the nonvaxxers as Trump supporters and also blame Trump for his supporters getting vaccines.