>>14282748 (/lb)
Karl Marx HATED the consequences and implications of what was later discovered, that information is also an object.
In 'The German Ideology' Marx spewed ad hominem against all the 'bad' socialists who treated information as an object, which to them was treating ideas as an axiom, where progress can be made if ideas are improved.
We don't have to identify ourselves as either pro or anti socialist to appreciate the disagreements that were taking place.
Marx, following Bauer and Cieszkowski, treated the notion of ideas being primary to action as 'passive', 'weak'.
Can't have killings and power changes if disagreements are settled reciprocally and informationally now can we?
To do battle in the sphere of ideas is a THREAT to all those 'praxis' philosophies that have a tacit unstated axiom in the realm of ideas that is the AUTHOR'S OWN ideas that drive everything the author says and writes.
Contrary to being 'weak' and 'passive', the battle of ideas has ALWAYS been how evil was kept away from manifesting into 'praxis'.
Marx could not refute the classical economists intellectually, so, he labelled and associated their entire logic to 'bourgeoise', i.e. 'incorrect', and praised and elevated his own divided inconsistent logic as 'proletarian', i.e. 'correct'.
POLYLOGISM id the fundamental flaw of the entire radical left's 'program', or 'system'. Polylogism is inconsistency as an intentional feature of a system.
That's what they believe, that they can't be wrong because nothing is really wrong because EVERY theorem can be 'proved' in an inconsistent system. EVERY statement can be generated as 'following' from the axioms and rules of inference in the system.
This is the LOGIC CODE of what we can today call the Dem Playbook.
When they can't win logically, empirically, factually, they smear and associate the winning logic as 'THAT tribe's logic', with the opposite as 'THIS tribe's logic', whereby the 'synthesis' of 'reconciliation' remains the SOURCE of the division code in the first place.
The cult that rules the world believe that by directing and controlling the conflicting code THEY THEMSELVES ARE GENERATING, that they can always remain the 'fixers' of all the conflicts and destruction that comes out of their own inconsistent system.
The key to unlock the door to their code is to expose what is to a great extent an unseen and unknown inconsistency, bring it all into the light, and show it for what it really is as they in their own minds know what it is, KNOWINGLY pushing an inconsistent, divisive, destructive IDEOLOGY themselves, intentionally pushing WHAT WAS ALL ALONG JUST INFORMATION that is presented as 'complete'โฆwhich we now know as certain as we know 2+2=4 that their system 'for the sheep' is intentionally inconsistent.
There cannot be cohesion or harmony when the logic is divided at the start.
To crack the entire code from bottom to top, all we need to do is in the informational battlefield, KEEP WRITING AND KEEP ADDING NEW STRINGS THAT THEMSELVES 'proved' by what is the WHOLE system we all see now.
Even if there is a cult of Great Deceivers, who aggrandize ideological power for themselves, there will ALWAYS be a solution to heal humanity.
The language of any system sufficiently complex 'talks about itself', and it is mathematically certain that the 'complete' system pushed by the radical left is not just necessarily inconsistent, it is DESIGNED to be that way.
God is in control of ALL POSSIBLE systems.
The cult thinks God has been replaced?
Their entire language, every character and statement and axiom can be given a unique number that when mapped proves itself inconsistent, and any inconsistent system is entirely worthless as a machine to progress the world, because as stated ANY theorem, true or false, can be 'proved' from it.
And even if the radical left denies all this, even if the claim added to the above is 'No, our system is consistent', then we also know that it is mathematically impossible for their 'consistent' system to prove its own consistency using their own language.
Only God could know any complete and consistent system.
For finite mortals like every human being who ever lived, or who will ever live, we will necessarily be in a 'system' that has a unified logic of being incomplete if we are going to use a consistent framework of ideas.
Incomplete means even 'the sheep' are necessarily on the same logical level to add new information as the 'shepherd'.
The people are the 'elite'.