brad pitt wannabe - will live in infamy as the most evil doctor in all history
can totally see the slimy liddle schitt playing the belzebub fence strider doing anyting possible to save his hide
defund all taxpayer funded progs and fund the POLICE and citizens
citizens must start standing up to the lawlessness and start demanding and arresting evil criminal mal]-contents
whore and witches come on tv in hysterical tones like geraldo - demand masks - vaccines on everyone and one talking point from buffalo butt after another - without any meaningful and scientific corroboration - just repeating mindless drivel
so HOT
Step throat looks as ridiculous as the narrative she spews msdnc dog commsbwahahha
they all look and sound like biden
polylogist in one word:hunter
kek worthy
olympics = msdnc
timely end for both
biden donning tan suit = signal commies rise
dogs howling
fauck you joe biden
and your driving chage per mile taxes
democrats -raise taxes with the same old lie
oiily the rich pay
only the rich make money under biden
well you are black if you voted biden
joes uncle needs a job and food , they are the lost holocause surviviors
what a terrible miserable loser of a messenger , he should really consider whispering lullabies