An Open Letter to Miles Mathis, Part One
by Allan Weisbecker on March 9, 2017 in Blog
Hi folks (plus Miles),
I’ve been itching to press on to this web character ‘Miles Mathis’ and, interestingly, ‘Miles’ himself has provided a direct segue. Last week he posted an ‘outing’ of the same two alt media figures I covered in my last post, David Weiss and Sofia Smallstorm; MM also did a defacto debunk of flat earth (FE), which I also did in my post. He mentions Jim Fetzer, whom I also refer to. On top of that, as a tack-on he repeatedhis bald assertion that pizzagate (pedogate) is ‘faked,’meanwhile claiming that David Seaman (who has taken heat for being all over Pizzagate) has ‘gone into hiding’ – two easily verifiable lies, btw. And my video from last time included a clip from Seaman talking about the importance of pizzagate and how FE is a distraction from it…
I’ve been threatening for months to do an exposè on MM, proving beyond reasonable doubt that he is what I say he is, i.e.,a committee of spooks (possibly out of Tavistock)out to misdirect/misinform you, but meanwhile (like any ‘good’ LH) providing valuable truths — in the case of MM, extremely valuable, which is why he should be of extreme interest to anyone with a real interest in HTWRW (how it really works).
I’ve lost count of the times MM prefaces an essay (invariably a particularly outrageous one) with a strong suggestion that the reader go back and read his Manson/Tate essay before carrying on with the current one; this has become a ‘tell’ that ‘the current one’ is disinformation; he is literally pointing out the M.O. of a LH bysuggesting we read some (real) truth so we’re more easily sucked into the whooper to come.
longer article at:
I take it the three dogs were each sitting in one of the three outdoor chairs before they went for a fatal swim?
watch the water?
that works for me, anon. I will express my belief that Trump is part of this quest, however.